Aged Care in Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales

Need Assistance with Aged Care or Community Services?
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About CÜRA Aged Care

At CÜRA, we provide a range of aged care services that aim to improve the lives of our customers and help them to thrive at home. We believe that the familiar surroundings of home offer a sense of security, familiarity, and comfort, which greatly contribute to overall wellbeing and quality of life.

Our comprehensive, holistic aged care services are designed to address all aspects of ageing, ensuring that you or your loved ones can maintain a healthy, independent lifestyle. We provide support at home and within the community, and offer services targeting your health and wellbeing.

Aged Care Funding

Understanding the aged care funding landscape can be overwhelming. At CÜRA, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. We’ll help you to understand the funding programs that are right for you. We can also break down the eligibility criteria and get you in contact with My Aged Care to enquire about what kind of support you can receive.
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Aged Care Services

At CÜRA, our main goal is to enhance your quality of life. Our dedicated team can work with both yourself and My Aged Care to customise a care package to meet your needs. If you are eligible for CHSP, we will utilise the plan My Aged Care has built for you to carry out the support you need. This helps you to maintain your independence and thrive at home.
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Aged Care Reform

Aged care support in Australia is constantly evolving. The reform aims to empower individuals, promote choice, and enhance the overall quality of aged care services in Australia. We want to create a simpler system, including face-to-face support. We will keep adapting our services to align with evolving standards. We can help you to understand Aged Care Reforms and learn how changes apply to you.
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Multicultural Aged Care Support

CÜRA is a proud multicultural organisation and celebrates all cultures. Our team can speak over 40 languages, ensuring effective communication between them and our clients. This enables us to understand and address concerns, preferences, and care needs. Our services include various cultural engagement programs and activities hosted at our Wellness Centre. Seniors can speak to others in their native language, eat their favourite international cuisines, and participate in cultural activities.
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CÜRA offers a comprehensive range of aged care support services with a focus on enabling our clients to flourish in the comfort of their homes. We firmly believe that the familiarity of one’s home environment fosters a sense of security and well-being, enhancing overall quality of life.

Our array of holistic aged care and community access services is thoughtfully designed to address the diverse needs of ageing individuals, allowing you or your loved ones to maintain the cherished lifestyle you desire. For a detailed overview of our services, please visit our Aged Care Services page.

At Cura, our distinction lies in our unwavering commitment to person-centered care. Our team of devoted professionals dedicates the time and effort to truly comprehend the distinctive needs and aspirations of each person under our care. We forge close partnerships with clients and their families to craft customised support plans that address specific requirements and personal aspirations. Our holistic approach revolves around fostering independence, choice, and inclusivity.

Furthermore, we go the extra mile to understand and embrace the unique needs and cultural diversity of our clients. Our multicultural staff members are fluent in many languages and undergo extensive training, ensuring that we can help individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their background. In essence, our mission is to not only create but also enhance inclusive and diverse communities, where every individual is empowered to thrive.

CÜRA is proud to offer a wide range of senior support services in several regions. Our service areas include the Gold Coast, Tweed Coast, Moreton Region, and the Sunshine Coast. Please note that the availability of specific services may vary depending on your location and our service offerings in that area. To get detailed information about the services available in your region, please contact us to learn more.

CÜRA provides a variety of social and community access opportunities aimed at enhancing your well-being and fostering connections. We believe in the importance of staying active and engaged with your community. To learn more about the specific opportunities available, please explore our In The Community Services page.

A Home Care Package is a government-funded program aimed at helping older Australians maintain their well-being, safety, and independence within their own homes. The funding is allocated to a Service Provider, such as CURA, to organise a tailored package of care services to meet your specific needs. There are different levels of packages available to address varying care requirements. To learn more about these packages, contact our team.

To determine your eligibility for a Home Care Package, you must first register with the Government’s My Aged Care program. Alternatively, you can contact us, and we can assist you in starting the process. The My Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) will assess various factors, including your age and the level of support you need, to determine your eligibility for a Home Care Package.

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) is designed to help senior Australians access entry-level support services at a subsidised cost, enabling them to live independently and safely in their own homes. These services can range from community respite to in home services. It’s important to note that CHSP services are often provided before being assigned a Home Care Package.

No, it’s not possible to simultaneously utilise both CHSP and a Home Care Package (HCP). When you accept your Home Care Package, CHSP services will conclude, and your new services will be covered by your Home Care Package without the need to pay an additional subsidy.

While we strive to meet each client’s preferences and maintain consistency with our staffing, we cannot guarantee that the same person will be available every day.

Our services have a minimum charge of 1 hour for a Home Care Worker visit.

We are flexible with this. We work around what you require.

Personal care is part of our services – We have Registered Nurses on staff for continence advice and where needed specialist and allied health professionals are called upon to advise.

With all new customer service plans, our Care Advisors discuss your assessed health care needs/goals. Our Home Care Workers are able to do your domestic assistance. If our staff are unable to provide a specific service, we have contractors who are able to do these services.

We value the safety of all of our customers and staff and would recommend an OT assessment to determine specific needs, equipment or training if your care requires physical lifting.

Nursing services can provide medication management, injections, and health checks and wound dressings as required.

Aged Care in Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales

About CÜRA Aged Care

At CÜRA, we provide a range of aged care services that aim to improve the lives of our customers and help them to thrive at home. We believe that the familiar surroundings of home offer a sense of security, familiarity, and comfort, which greatly contribute to overall well-being and quality of life. Our comprehensive and holistic aged care services are designed to address all aspects of ageing, ensuring that you or your loved ones can preserve the cherished lifestyle you desire. Experience a life of independence and embark on a tailored journey of support that empowers both you or your loved one.

Aged Care Funding

Understanding the aged care funding landscape can be overwhelming. At CÜRA, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. We’ll help you to understand the funding programs that are right for you. We can also break down the eligibility criteria and get you in contact with My Aged Care to enquire about what kind of support you can receive.
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Aged Care Services

At CÜRA, our main goal is to enhance your quality of life. Our dedicated team can work with both yourself and My Aged Care to customise a care package to meet your needs. If you are eligible for CHSP, we will utilise the plan My Aged Care has built for you to carry out the support you need. This helps you to maintain your independence and thrive at home.
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Aged Care Reform

Aged care support in Australia is constantly evolving. The reform aims to empower individuals, promote choice, and enhance the overall quality of aged care services in Australia. We want to create a simpler system, including face-to-face support. We will keep adapting our services to align with evolving standards. We can help you to understand Aged Care Reforms and learn how changes apply to you.
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Multicultural Aged Care Support

CÜRA is a proud multicultural organisation and celebrates all cultures. Our team can speak over 40 languages, ensuring effective communication between them and our clients. This enables us to understand and address concerns, preferences, and care needs. Our services include various cultural engagement programs and activities hosted at our Wellness Centre. Seniors can speak to others in their native language, eat their favourite international cuisines, and participate in cultural activities.
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FAQs Make an Enquiry Can I have the same person each day to help me? We always try our best to accommodate every customer’s requests and keep the same staff as often as possible.  We suggest you have a small team of two to three people who are able to work with you. This way if a staff member is sick or on holidays, your support can continue without interruption. What is the minimum time you will come to help me? Our Home Care packages have a minimum charge of 1 hour for a Home Care Worker visit. What is the earliest or latest time in the day you can do my appointment? CÜRA is flexible with this. We work around what you require. Does the same person do the work i.e. personal care and clean house or do you send separate people? It can be the same person but it depends on the service request as it may require speciality staff. CÜRA have subcontractors that specialise in different service requests such as home maintenance, gardening.  Our subcontractors must meet our compliance guidelines before we send them to you.  In some instances when specific training is needed, i.e. Oxygen requirement:  we would allocate a staff member who is trained then facilitate the training for your regular workers. Any services you won’t provide (help washing, soiled pants etc)? Personal care is part of our services – CÜRA has Registered Nurses on staff for continence advice and where needed specialist and allied health professionals are called upon to advise. What is defined as cleaning and what isn’t? With all new customer service plans, our Care Advisors discuss your assessed health care needs/goals. Our Care Workers are able to do your domestic assistance.  If our staff are unable to provide a specific service, CÜRA have contractors who are able to do these services. Will you pick up shopping or run errands? Yes CÜRA staff can either take you shopping or you can have a Care Worker do your shopping and errands for you. Will you provide physical assistance with lifting and helping customers? We value the safety of all of our customers and staff and would recommend an OT assessment to determine specific needs, equipment or training if your care requires physical lifting. Do you provide any in home medical treatments? Nursing services can provide medication management, injections, and health checks and wound dressings as required.
Problems We Solve

At CÜRA, we’re here to help. We have worked hard to cultivate close ties with our local communities, helping to enrich the lives of those who need a little extra support. Here are some of the ways in which we can help you.